Sovereignty pituitary glands

From a vision perspective the March 11th 2011, 9.0 Japanese earth quake will ultimately prove to be one of those tipping points in our history. The solutions lie in reclaiming our personal sovereignty and creating an equitable world congruent with our inherent purpose and design.

We all have a brain with some very interesting chemicals and most of us do not know how to use the brain or access the chemicals in our brain. A fundamental question for each of us is what is going on with your pituitary gland today? For when we have mastery over our pituitary gland, the rest takes care of itself. With enough pituitary secretions, we can brain map shift from the alpha to the delta brain state, increasing brain bandwidth from 2000 bytes/sec to 4 billion bytes/sec.

Problems seemingly insurmountable at 2000 bytes/sec, become child's play at the higher brain bandwidth. The normal reaction to the notion of kicking it up to the higher bandwidths is that this will entail a great effort, WRONG, what could be more natural than using the brain as it was designed to be used vs the dysfunction of what we are doing with it now.

Like a duck takes to water you can quite easily kick up your consciousness bandwidth by reactivating your atrophied but golden pituitary and pineal (DMT) glands. Anyone who has hit a DMT pipe will tell you that your brain is capable of processing 10,000 years of intense emotional experiential, binary, visuals, hieroglyphic uploads in ten frickin minutes. I went from being, a not so Civil Engineer, to a gold making Alchemist in two years. For Christ sake folks, kick it up!

The instructions on rejuvenating your golden glands are here:

To see an Alchemist at work in his lab making real gold in a kitchen microwave oven go to:

The blog is meant to be read from the bottom up. Go to the right panel in Blog Archive start at the bottom and read in order upwards. In reading the blog, keep in mind the intent of expressed criticisms, of state of world affairs, are meant only to be an observed basis of, what is not very desirable, and at the same time to be the basis of clarity, to state and define what is desired of the world. Not making this important clarification would put this work in violation of the universal Laws of Allowing, and from that place of judgment, it would not have the power that it does.

Ground Crew

What could possibly be the context for world events and what we observe around us today? Science and Quantum Physics have brought us to see the dimensions, the energetic fields of consciousness and the non-local coupling of encoded energy and information. Crop circles, aliens, chem-trails, pollution, species extinction, war, eugenics and the Georgia Guide Stones have to fit within the reality model and make sense. The first two on the list are most telling and when we integrate them into our reality model we can start to see that we are an integral part of an off planet dimensional agenda. And it’s an agenda that is quite inconsistent with what could be with an on planet agenda serving humanity. The reality of this poses both a seemingly insurmountable problem but it also holds its own solution.

There is a concept call the “Ground Crew” those of us who came here to be a difference and in the process creating our own agenda over those that would suppress and subjugate all for their own ends. The likelihood of anyone making it to this blog and then this subpage almost makes it a certainty that you are part of the ground crew.

The following is from the first chapter of Handbook for the New Paradigm, the first in a four ebook set from George Green at

Those who have brought you to this point know your current human nature so well that every possibility you can think of has been blocked. Every cell of resistance is well known by them and is allowed to exist because it has a purpose in their plan. These will be used as graphic examples of what they will not allow.

Now you must come into the understanding that there is a passage through this experience for mankind, but you must move into a creative stance, not a resistive posture. This is not what is expected of you based on your past modes of experience. I can assure you that your history has been analyzed and studied by minds and computer model to the point that you are known to an extent you cannot even imagine. Every reactive scenario has been dissected to the cellular level and restrictive actions planned for each of them. You are faced with the possibility of your extinction unless you can make a cosmic leap to a level of creative imagination that will completely nullify those plans. Have you not computers of your own? Can you not band into creative discussion groups and ask for entry into the mind of that which created you? “Where two or more of you are gathered together in my Name (within the focused desire for harmonious understanding), there am I also.”

Cries and begging to be relieved of the situation by God, or Jesus, Buddha or Mohammed will not do it. You have allowed this evil to descend upon you and so it is you, individually and collectively, that must take it upon yourselves to conceive this solution. A new consciousness change must take place within you. Not all of humanity will choose to participate. There will be some that will hide their heads in blame and grovel in victimhood. So be it. Let them. You have no time to recruit among them, for what of creativity could they offer? This is a clarion call to the consciousness of those with the strength of character to HANDBOOK FOR THE NEW PARADIGM

Link to the Roswell Nurse Alien Interview:
Link to the Georgia Guidestones:
Link to crop circle site: