This past year I was seriously injured falling a large Alder
tree and came to a place in healing retrospection, asking myself what was my relationship with reality?
I came away from that with the obvious, “I did not have a functioning relationship
with Reality”.
Every teacher from time immemorial was trying to teach us
(without actually saying it of course) that as beings we possessed tremendous unused
spirit consciousness resources, and in each their own way, attempted to share
their insights on how to access and utilise these, to our benefit. The wisdom of the ages can all be distilled
down to onboard brain chemical secretions, specifically the atrophied but
golden pituitary and pineal (DMT) glands. The ancients left us the transcendental schematic, the Caduceus Symbol reminding us that the path to enlightenment, was and is brain glandular secretions. The ancient symbol is misunderstood and has been reduced to a shirt logo for ambulance drivers.

The reality is we are living in an age of consciousness without a functioning relationship with reality. We need to get over the fact that from a cosmological perspective, we are an emerging civilisation with a multiple history as a failed society in the process of blowing it again for the umpteen time.
Of necessity, a functioning relationship with reality includes, a Quntum integrated perspecitve, Gnosticism, Alchemy, ET, Archons, Lockheed Martin Ben Rich’s alumni disclosure, knowledge of the advanced civilisations who built the precision stone megaliths (that we can not build today), being present to nature's process of creating matter from information encoded energy, LENR, that consciousness and matter are quantumly coupled, rejuvenated pituitary and pineal (DMT) glands, the value of service, a loving family and the wilful intention to have a source connected relationship with reality.
With these in place we have a chance to be in the cosmic game called life and without them we are basically hooped.
youre awesome.
ReplyDeleteMy man
ReplyDeleteThis was very helpful,hopeful and inspiring. Thank you
ReplyDeleteThis was very helpful,hopeful and inspiring. Thank you