Sovereignty pituitary glands

From a vision perspective the March 11th 2011, 9.0 Japanese earth quake will ultimately prove to be one of those tipping points in our history. The solutions lie in reclaiming our personal sovereignty and creating an equitable world congruent with our inherent purpose and design.

We all have a brain with some very interesting chemicals and most of us do not know how to use the brain or access the chemicals in our brain. A fundamental question for each of us is what is going on with your pituitary gland today? For when we have mastery over our pituitary gland, the rest takes care of itself. With enough pituitary secretions, we can brain map shift from the alpha to the delta brain state, increasing brain bandwidth from 2000 bytes/sec to 4 billion bytes/sec.

Problems seemingly insurmountable at 2000 bytes/sec, become child's play at the higher brain bandwidth. The normal reaction to the notion of kicking it up to the higher bandwidths is that this will entail a great effort, WRONG, what could be more natural than using the brain as it was designed to be used vs the dysfunction of what we are doing with it now.

Like a duck takes to water you can quite easily kick up your consciousness bandwidth by reactivating your atrophied but golden pituitary and pineal (DMT) glands. Anyone who has hit a DMT pipe will tell you that your brain is capable of processing 10,000 years of intense emotional experiential, binary, visuals, hieroglyphic uploads in ten frickin minutes. I went from being, a not so Civil Engineer, to a gold making Alchemist in two years. For Christ sake folks, kick it up!

The instructions on rejuvenating your golden glands are here:

To see an Alchemist at work in his lab making real gold in a kitchen microwave oven go to:

The blog is meant to be read from the bottom up. Go to the right panel in Blog Archive start at the bottom and read in order upwards. In reading the blog, keep in mind the intent of expressed criticisms, of state of world affairs, are meant only to be an observed basis of, what is not very desirable, and at the same time to be the basis of clarity, to state and define what is desired of the world. Not making this important clarification would put this work in violation of the universal Laws of Allowing, and from that place of judgment, it would not have the power that it does.

Thursday, 11 April 2019

The hero of our times?

The hero of our times? 

Easily Dana Durnford, Cape Brettoner life time west coast commercial diver with a paraplegic challenge, single handed and single minded in his Herculean efforts out there on the west coast stormy seas in his zodiac and dog to document the moonscape that is now our barren tidal pools on the west coast of Canada. Tide pool normally teaming with diverse life, thousands of unique organisms all gone, whales emaciated with lesions and dying.  This a documented fact too horrible to even consider, the Pacific is gone.

We have international criminal behaviour and a massive coordinated effort to hide the truth from an unsuspecting public of what is evidently turning out to be, a full on extinction event. The Pacific is dead and gone, and this silent hidden nuclide poison cloud wafting over much of North America causing all susceptible people to escalated health crisis and premature death.

All are stupefied in disbelief asking if this were so, the trusted and loved David Suzuki who lives ground zero on the toxic wave, would have surely brought his research integrity voice to bear and informed us of any potential risks. 

Sorry folks Suzuki was my childhood hero too and now the POS sold us out to maintain membership flow$ to his pit of snowflake idealists, who can not even read a rad meter. POS because with a mouth ful of shit, will not say shit. Another myth is science integrity, there is no longer any such thing and this is from a metal making alchemist.

Privately observed weekly rad counts are still available online for most US cities (FDA saw fit to close most of the US gov rad metering after Fukushima) and these readings are seriously red-lined and should be making daily front page news. Canada’s response to deadly elevated nuclide readings simply increased the acceptable background levels by 3000% when we know there are no safe radiation levels.

Dana was even arrested with Trumped up materials from Woods Hole and UVIC Institutes providing sham evidence to shut him up. Please generously support Dana Dunford's continued heroic work to uncover the cover up. Washington State Doctors know full well infant mortality increased forty times normal in the weeks after the caesium clouds blew in to the west coast.
No this mess does not stop at the coastal mountains of BC, we now inexplicably have radiation  green glowing fish in Lake Okanogan and without knowledge to the risks, happily caught and eaten by a un-suspecting public.

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